Tuesday, May 29, 2012

four hour body huevos rancheros

yeah I realize the picture looks disgusting. trust me, just try it.

4hrbody huevos rancheros:

2 eggs (or one egg and a glug of whites)

I poach the eggs the night before until about 80% done right in the mason jar. I feel like if you do them all the way in the microwave they get too foamy, which I dislike. but if you don't mind the texture, you can skip this step.

in the morning, I pull my mason jar out of the fridge and add

2 heaping giant tablespoons of organic black beans from a can
2 hg-tbsp(^) of refried beans from a can

and then I microwave until the eggs are totally cooked and the beans are really hot. usually about 2 minutes.

then, mix in

1 cup of avacado cubes
about 2 big tablespoons of no sugar salsa (safeway brand doesn't have sugar in it. cool.)

add about a tsp each of cumin and paprika and a grind of pepper* and stir it up, and eat it. it looks gross, but it's really fantastic. I like to cook in mason jars because I usually have like 8 minutes in the morning, so this is put together and has a top slapped on and then taken with me to eat on the way or once I get to work.

*you can salt to taste here too. I am vaguely concerned about sodium intake and therefore rely on our too-high-levels of salt in all processed food to do my salting for me. I find with the refried beans, which are super salty, and the black beans, which are canned with salt, it has sufficient levels, but you can add if you like.

so here's the protein scoop:

2 eggs - 13g, 2oz each of refried and black beans - 4g total, avocado - 3g, to equal 20g, which is what I aim for as a 115lb lady, I don't think I need the same amount as Tim. add an extra glug of whites or some hemp hearts or something if you need to make up to 30g. (2 tbsp of hemp hearts adds 11grams of protein I think so it's a good cheat when you need a little boost.)

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